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2023 iPhone cleanup: Expert app removal tips

Ana sayfa / iOS

Smartphones eventually reach a point where users must decide which apps to keep and which to delete. Whether you’re struggling with storage, battery life, or security concerns, it’s helpful to know which apps tech experts believe should be removed from iPhones in 2023.

Trim the excess for better performance

Surprisingly, many tech experts recommend removing more apps than you might initially think. David Pring-Mill, founder of, advises users to keep only encrypted communication apps and those that streamline daily tasks or save money on clear, trustworthy terms.

Pring-Mill also suggests avoiding distracting apps and instead taking real breaks, like practicing mindfulness or engaging with objective news publications on their websites.

Kevin Zhou, CEO and founder of REPART, agrees that time-wasting apps, such as social media and video games, should be removed. He recommends replacing them with productivity-enhancing, mindfulness-promoting, or personal and professional development apps, like meditation, task management, and learning apps.

Eliminate bloatware and outdated apps

Zhou also recommends deleting pre-installed bloatware apps that take up valuable storage space and slow down your phone. Instead, opt for more efficient and up-to-date apps like Google Workspace tools (Gmail, Google Keep, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Meet, Calendar, etc.) that help save storage and battery usage.

Lastly, Zhou advises users to delete apps that consume significant battery power and data usage. Removing apps that run in the background unnecessarily, as well as those you no longer use or need, can save storage space, reduce battery usage, and improve your phone’s overall performance.

Letting go of apps you’ve come to rely on can be challenging, but decluttering your iPhone can ultimately enhance its performance and possibly even improve your peace of mind.

Do you have any apps you don’t use on your iPhone? Do you know that these apps consume unnecessary power in the background? We welcome your comments on this content!

Yorum Ekleyin